This course is designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of the concepts of Physics and its many applications in modern society. It provides the opportunity to develop skills necessary to find solutions to scientific problems, such as experimenting, investigating and analysing, and gives a deeper insight into the structure of the subject. The course makes a valuable contribution to your general education and provides a sound basis for further study.
The skills you learn on this course are valuable for careers in medicine, energy, industry, material development, the environment and sustainability.
Career Pathways
To see what career areas this subject could lead to and the routes to get there, download and view these career pathways:
Uniformed and Security Services
Entry is at the discretion of the school or college but you would normally have achieved one of the following:
From the sources of the energy we use, to the exploration of space, Physics covers a range of applications that affect our lives. Studying Physics allows you to gain an insight into the underlying nature of our world and its place in the universe. It will help you to develop your logical and critical thinking, solve problems and make decisions.
The course comprises six areas of study.
You will learn about:
vectors and scalars; velocity–time graphs; acceleration; Newton’s laws; energy; projectile motion.
You will learn about
space exploration; cosmology.
You will learn about:
electrical charge carriers; potential difference (voltage); Ohm’s law; practical electrical and electronic circuits; electrical power.
Properties of matter
You will learn about:
specific heat capacity; specific latent heat; gas laws and the kinetic model.
You will learn about:
You will learn about:
nuclear radiation.
Course Assessment
The course assessment has two components totalling 155 marks:
The question paper will be set and externally marked by SQA.
The grade awarded is based on the total marks achieved across all course assessment components.
The course assessment is graded A-D.
If you complete the course successfully, it may lead to:
Further study, training or employment in:
Your school will give your parents an Options or Choices information booklet, which has detailed information on the curriculum and the individual subjects or courses you can study. It will also invite them along to a Parents’ Information Evening.
They can also read the information leaflet(s):