Studying Fashion and Textile Technology lets you develop an understanding of textile properties, characteristics and technologies, item development, fashion/textile trends and factors that affect fashion choice. The course particularly emphasises the development of practical skills and textile construction techniques to make detailed fashion/textile items, to an appropriate standard of quality.
Career Pathways
To see what career areas this subject could lead to and the routes to get there, download and view these career pathways:
Entry is at the discretion of the school or college but you would normally have achieved:
On this course you will develop practical skills and textile construction techniques to make detailed fashion/textile items, to an appropriate standard of quality. You will also develop an understanding of textile properties, characteristics and technologies, item development, fashion/textile trends and factors that affect fashion/textile choice.
The course also enables you to develop important skills, attitudes and attributes related to fashion and textiles that are transferable to other contexts including problem-solving skills and communication skills.
It may also contribute towards the development of numeracy skills through the measurement of textiles and the timing of production.
During this course you will:
Course Assessment
The course assessment has three components totalling 115 marks:
Component 2 and component 3 are inter-related and will be assessed using one activity. You will carry out one task — designing, planning, making and evaluating a fashion/textile item — which will provide evidence for both components.
The assignment will be externally marked by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The practical activity will be marked internally by your school or college, and quality assured by the SQA.
The question paper will be set and marked externally by SQA.
The grade awarded is based on the total marks achieved across all course assessment components.
The course assessment is graded A-D.
If you complete the course successfully, it may lead to:
Further study, training or employment in:
Your school will give your parents an Options or Choices information booklet, which has detailed information on the curriculum and the individual subjects or courses you can study. It will also invite them along to a Parents’ Information Evening.
They can also read the information leaflet(s):
Nationals in a Nutshell - Fashion and Textile Technology (National 5)