
Higher ESOL (Course Code: C827 76)

SCQF Level 6 (24 SCQF credit points)

ESOL Image

Why study ESOL?

Language and literacy skills are important in your personal, social and working life. And, you need good language skills for self-expression, thinking and learning.

Learning ESOL (English as a Second Language) will give you the opportunity to develop your skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking English in practical settings.

What do I need to get in?

Entry is at the discretion of the school or college but you would normally be expected to have achieved:

What will I study?

The course consists of three areas of study.

ESOL for everyday life

You will develop the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking needed for effective communication in everyday life in personal, social and transactional contexts.

ESOL in work-related contexts

You will develop the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking needed for effective communication in the context of work.

There is a particular focus on the development of speaking and writing skills in this context.

ESOL in study-related contexts

You will develop the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking needed for effective communication in the context of study.

There is a particular focus on the development of speaking and writing skills in this context.

How will I be assessed?

The course assessment has four components totalling 120 marks:

For the performance component, you will take part in a discussion on a topic chosen from one of the contexts of everyday life, work or study.

The performance component is set and verified externally by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), and assessed and marked by your school or college.

The question papers will be set and externally marked by SQA.

The grade awarded is based on the total marks achieved across course assessment.

The course assessment is graded A-D.

Study Materials

Where can my parents find out more?

Your school will give your parents an Options or Choices information booklet, which has detailed information on the curriculum and the individual subjects or courses you can study. It will also invite them along to a Parents’ Information Evening.

They can also read the information leaflet(s):

Nationals in a Nutshell - ESOL (Higher)