The maritime sector includes people who work in commercial sea fishing, marine leisure businesses , ports and harbours, as well as those working in the Merchant Navy and Royal Navy.
Scotland has played an important role in maritime history and the maritime sector is still important to the Scottish economy. About 52% of jobs in sea fishing in Scotland are in the Highlands and Islands.
The maritime sector offers good opportunities for those who enjoy:
Career Pathways
To see what career areas this subject could lead to and the routes to get there, download and view these career pathways:
Entry is at the discretion of the school or college.
The course is made up of five compulsory units, three take 40 hours of study and two take 20 hours of study.
You will learn about:
Where will I take the course?
You will usually train at a local college. Training sessions will take place for a set number of hours and weeks during term time.
Work experience/placements
Due to health and safety requirements it is not normally possible to arrange maritime work experience placement for young people. However, where possible, you may be able to visit maritime employers.
Assessment will be based on a range of practical activities in real or simulated workplace settings. Tutors will observe and keep records of your work. Some assessment may be done online using an e-portfolio system.
You may be able to progress to:
 Employment /Training
Further/Higher Education
Further study, training or employment in: