
National 5 SfW Food and Drink Manufacturing Industry (Course Code: C777 75)

SCQF Level 5 (24 SCQF credit points)

SfW Food and Drink Manufacturing Industry Image

Why study SfW Food and Drink Manufacturing Industry?

The food and drink manufacturing sector is a big industry and of high importance in Scotland; it employs around 40,000 people and generates sales of around £9 billion. A current skills shortage means that there are excellent employment prospects for those who want to train in this career area.

The sector offers good opportunities who enjoy:

Career Pathways

To see what career areas this subject could lead to and the routes to get there, download and view these career pathways:

Manufacturing Industries

Science and Mathematics

What do I need to get in?

Entry is at the discretion of the school or college.

What will I study?

The course is made up of four compulsory units, each one with a value of 6 SCQF credit points.

You will learn about

Where will I take the course?

You will usually train at a local college. Training sessions will take place for a set number of hours and weeks during term time.

Work experience/placements

You may be able to arrange a related work experience placement by speaking to your pastoral care or guidance teacher in school. 

How will I be assessed?

Assessment will be based on a range of practical activities in real or simulated workplace settings. Tutors will observe and keep records of your work. Some assessment may be done online using an e-portfolio system.

What can I go on to next?

You may be able to progress to:

Employment /Training

Further/Higher Education

Further study, training or employment in:

Which jobs are related to this subject?