You will study for an NC in an engineering discipline such as Engineering Systems, Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering. You will also study 3 units from SVQ Performing Engineering Operations at SCQF Level 5 as well as attending a work placement or participating in an industry challenge.
These vary depending on whether you start the Foundation Apprenticeship in S5 or S6. It could range from some subjects at National 5 to 1 or 2 Highers. Check with your school for details.
The Foundation Apprenticeship (FA) in Engineering is for pupils staying on at school. You can choose an FA as one of your subjects in S5 or S6.
Further study, training or employment in:
Your school will give your parents an Options or Choices information booklet, which has detailed information on the curriculum and the individual subjects or courses you can study. It will also invite them along to a Parents’ Information Evening.
They can also read the information leaflet(s):
1 - 2 years