Gilmorehill Campus
Years 1 and 2: The first two years are spent largely on the University campus, studying the normal structure and function of the body. In first year, courses in Biomolecular Science, Anatomy and Physiology are relevant to the practice of Dentistry. Other courses include an Introduction to Dentistry, with visits to the Dental Hospital and School, Oral Health and a short course in First Aid.
Year 2: The second year includes the study of specialised topics in Oral Biology and Oral Science plus courses in which you are introduced to several aspects of the modern practice of Dentistry, not only in the Dental School, but also in the community service and in general practice. You begin to talk to patients and learn the importance of developing communication skills. This reflects the changing nature of Dentistry as a profession devoted to the maintenance of health and prevention of disease, rather than one which simply treats its effects, and in which the dentist encourages patients to promote their own health care. There are also courses in Pharmacology (the study of drugs) and an introduction to the study of disease: General Pathology and Microbiology. These continue into the Human Disease course in third year where Medicine and Surgery are studied with the related laboratory aspects of Pathology and Microbiology.
Year 3: In third year, you learn to manipulate the materials used in Dentistry. Many new materials are becoming available and the practising dentist must be able to assess their worth. The courses in Clinical Dentistry start to prepare you for patient care which will be your main concern thereafter. From April of third year, half of each day is devoted to the acquisition of clinical skills and judgement. Most of this time is spent in specialist clinical departments. However, in final year you have the opportunity to bring these skills together for comprehensive care by working in the Clinical Practice Unit.
Clinical experience: In the clinical years, you have close contact with the teaching staff and their wealth of clinical experience which allows you to learn by example. Clinical skills and judgement are improved and you learn to become a responsible clinician.
2025 entry requirements
Standard entry: Advanced Higher Biology and Chemistry at B plus 5 Highers at AAAAB (by end S6 with min AAAAB after S5) including Biology and Chemistry at A and Maths or Physics plus English at National 5 at B.
Widening access entry: 1 Advanced Higher at B plus Highers at AAABB (by end S6 with min AABB after S5 including Biology or Human Biology) including Biology (or Human Biology) and Chemistry at A (if not held at B Advanced Higher at B required) and Maths or Physics plus English at National 5 at B. Successful completion and grades in the Reach Programme necessary.
No applicants will be accepted after S5. Resits are not accepted.
All applicants must take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) as part of the selection process for dentistry.
Any offer made after interview would be conditional on health and criminal record checks.
Full time
5 years
College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences
School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing