Ambulance care assistants work as part of a team providing care and safe transport for patients in non-emergency situations on the Patient Transport Service (PTS). They collect and drop off patients attending outpatient clinics and day care units.
You could be:
Ambulance staff who work for the NHS are paid on the Agenda for Change scales. The current pay scales are from April 2024. Ambulance care assistants start on £17,704 a year, and after a 20-week training period move to Band 3, £26,869 to £28,998 a year.
Workforce Employment Status
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Job vacancies appear on the myjobscotland and NHS Jobs websites. Most ambulance work is with the NHS, but there are also jobs with the armed services. There are some private ambulance companies around the UK including one or two in Scotland.
Workforce Education Levels (UK)
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You should be:
The location of the Scottish Ambulance Academy allows ambulance staff to have the opportunity to train alongside police and fire service colleagues, for example, in simulated road traffic collisions.
Courtesy of NHS Health Careers
The following organisations may be able to provide further information.
NHS Scotland Careers
Website (2):
Scottish Ambulance Service