The three-year BSc Paramedic Science course will provide students with the necessary skills and competencies to deliver out of hospital care, in a range of health settings as a member of an integrated health and social care team. To do this QMU works closely with local health and social care practice partners including Scottish Ambulance Service, NHS Lothian and NHS Borders.
Year One: Introduction to Clinical Assessment and Decision Making/Skills for Paramedic Practice 1/Finding your Academic Voice/Physiology/Developing Resilience of Self and Others for Professional Paramedic Practice/Practice-based Learning.
Year Two: Pharmacology/Using Clinical Assessment and Decision Making in Paramedic Practice/Health Coaching/Skills for Paramedic Practice 2/Paramedic Practice-based Learning 2/Developing a Spirit of Enquiry.
Year Three: Managing Complexity in Paramedic Practice/Paramedic Practice-based Learning 3/Being a Person-centred Practitioner/Skills for Paramedic Practice 3/Understanding and Appraising the Evidence for Practice
2025 entry requirements:
4 Highers at BBBB (standard entry) or BBCC (widening access entry) including Biology (or Human Biology) and English or another English based subject plus National 5 English (if not held at Higher) and Maths or Applications of Maths and preferably another science subject.
You will require a satisfactory criminal record check from Disclosure Scotland to show that you are suitable for this type of course. Contact Disclosure Scotland for details on the type you would need.
Full time
3 years
School of Health Sciences
Health Sciences