Kirkcaldy (St Brycedale) Campus, Glenrothes (Stenton) Campus
This course is for people passionate about opportunities to influence others via the creation of media content. From Internal to External, Corporate to Social, communications are ever more necessary for successful businesses, organisations and creative entrepreneurs.
You will study:
Complex oral presentation; Podcasting; Video Production; Radio Production; Desktop Publishing; Writing for the media; The media: features and trends; English language skills: correcting creative text; Creative industries: an introduction; Law and the media; Research skills; Creative industries: Media and Communication: Graded Unit 1.
Higher English, Media or Politics, or 1 other Higher plus National 5 English, or Foundation Apprenticeship Creative and Digital Media plus National 5 English, or Advanced Certificate: Creative Industries - Broadcast Media, or other relevant national qualifications at SCQF Level 6. Successful interview ideally with showreel/portfolio.
Relevant HND or degree programme
Full time
1 year
Creative Media