Year 1: gain a solid foundation and understanding of the theories and principles underlying marketing and entrepreneurship.
Year 2: classes examine consumer behaviour, marketing research and the challenges that marketers face in the retail and service sectors.
Year 3: subjects covered will include marketing communication in the digital age and strategic marketing in an international context.
Year 4: learn about the value of brands to firms and consumers and how to communicate a branding strategy; choice of optional classes including Sustainability, Marketing and Society, International Business Management, Managing Customer Relationships, Advances in Consumer Behaviour, Sports Marketing, Social Marketing and FMCG Brand Building. You will have the option to undertake research and investigate a topic area of your choice in a dissertation.
2025 entry requirements
Standard entry:
4 or 5 Highers at AAAA or AAABB (first sitting) or 6 Highers at AAAABB (two sittings) including English plus Maths or Applications of Maths at National 5 at B.
Widening access entry:
4 Highers at ABBB (first sitting) or 5 Highers at AABBB (two sittings) including English plus or Applications of Maths Maths at National 5 at B.
A Foundation Apprenticeship is accepted in place of a non-essential Higher.
BA Hons
Full time
4 years
Strathclyde Business School