
Applied Mathematics

University of Edinburgh


King's Buildings Campus


Year 1
You will take the compulsory courses Linear Algebra, Calculus and Proofs & Problem-Solving. These are common to all our programmes and will take up half of your timetable.

They will allow you to build on your knowledge of pure mathematics and will introduce you to the more rigorous ways of mathematical thinking required at university level.

You will also take courses in subjects other than mathematics.

You will receive support from MathsBase, our popular walk-in help centre, and from our Student Learning Advisor.

Year 2
You will spend between half and two thirds of your time on mathematics. You will take compulsory courses in pure mathematics, extending your knowledge of calculus and analysis, and will be introduced to the abstract ideas of group theory.

In Facets of Mathematics you will discover a range of modern applications of mathematics, studying topics such as fractals, image processing and mathematical biology.

You will study probability, statistics and computing and numerics.

From this year onwards you can use the Maths Hub, our student-run facility that is both a social centre and a work space.

Year 3
You will focus on the main subjects of your programme. You will receive an excellent grounding in advanced mathematics, preparing you for the options available later in your programme.

Year 4
You will have a wide range of mathematics courses to choose from and you can follow a programme that suits your particular interests and career aspirations.

We offer a large selection of courses in areas of applied mathematics, statistics and operational research. You can also take options in pure mathematics and areas such as mathematical education, financial mathematics and mathematical biology.

Current course titles include Nonlinear Optimization, Dynamical Systems and Multivariate Data Analysis. You will complete a substantial project on a topic in applied mathematics.

Entry Requirements

2025 entry requirements

Standard entry:
5 Highers at AAAAA (by end of S5 preferred) including Maths at A plus English at National 5. Advanced Higher Maths highly recommended.

Direct entry to year 2 is possible with 3 Advanced Highers at AAA including Maths. A science subject is recommended.

Widening Access entry:
4 Highers at AABB (by end of S6) (BBB must be achieved in one sitting S4-S6) including Maths at A plus English at National 5. Advanced Higher Maths highly recommended.

Start Date





BSc Hons

Study Method

Full time



Course Length

4 years


College of Science and Engineering



SCQF Level



Career Sectors


Chemistry and Materials Science

Food Science and Technology

Mathematics and Statistics


Science General