
Applied Science (Chemistry Route)

Glasgow Clyde College


Cardonald Campus, Langside Campus


HNC Applied Science - Chemistry Route is aimed at recent school leavers who wish to progress to university to study a chemistry-related degree. Due to the breadth of chemistry on the course, it is aimed at those who have studied chemistry to Higher/Advanced Higher level.

You will study the three fundamental branches of chemistry: physical, organic and inorganic, in addition to more specialised organic chemistry subjects. Studies of chemical theory are coupled with practical vocational skills development using modern chemical instrumentation. You will also develop knowledge of the biotechnology industry through the study of microbiology and biotechnology units.

Contents Include:
Fundamental chemistry; Organic chemistry; Inorganic chemistry; Physical chemistry; Biochemistry; Aromatic and base catalysed chemistry (Level 8); Mathematics and statistics; Laboratory skills; Microbiology; Biotechnology; Graded Unit.

Entry Requirements

Higher Chemistry plus National 5 English, Maths and Biology or Physics at A or B (Foundation Apprenticeship Scientific Technologies accepted in place of Higher Chemistry); or relevant national qualifications at SCQF Level 6. Interview.

Progression Routes

HND Applied Biological Science (Biomedical Route) or a range of scientific degrees through articulation routes with universities.

Start Date




Study Method

Full time

Course Length

1 year



SCQF Level


Career Sectors


Chemistry and Materials Science

Food Science and Technology

Mathematics and Statistics


Science General