Gilmorehill Campus
Year 1: In your first year you will take courses in mathematics and study engineering fundamentals including applied mechanics, fluid mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics and properties of materials. These courses will form a solid foundation for development later in the degree programme and are supported by individual drawing and practical skills and group project and laboratory work.
Year 2: In your second year you will study further basic engineering subjects all of which are compulsory – applicable mathematics, applied mechanics, design and manufacture, electrical power engineering, elements of thermodynamics for aerospace propulsion, engineering computing, introduction to aerodynamics, materials and power electronics.
Year 3: In your third year you will visit a number of industries in the UK and study more advanced engineering subjects – aerodynamics and fluid mechanics, aircraft performance, dynamics, control and fluid power, flight mechanics, materials and manufacture, mathematical modelling and simulation, mechanics of materials and structures, propulsion and turbomachinery, and software engineering.
Years 4 and 5: In year 4 you will study a range of core mechanical engineering subjects and core aeronautics subjects, plus a choice of advanced options. You will also undertake a team aerospace design project. Year 4 MEng students also undertake a multi-disciplinary group project.
In year 5 of the MEng programme an aerospace-focused individual project forms a major component of the programme, and in addition there are options from advanced engineering subjects.
2025 entry requirements:
Standard entry: 5 Highers at AAAAA (by end S6 with min AABB after S5) including Maths and Engineering Science or Physics.
Entry to year 2 may be possible with 3 Advanced Highers at AAA including Maths and Engineering Science or Physics.
Widening access entry: 4 Highers at AABB/BBBB (by end S6) including Maths and Engineering Science or Physics. Completion of pre-entry programme is necessary.
BEng Hons
Full time
4 years
College of Science and Engineering
James Watt School of Engineering