
Fabrication and Welding

Glasgow Clyde College


Anniesland Campus


The SVQ Fabrication and Welding at SCQF Level 5 course covers the fundamental principles required to work in the fabrication and welding sectors. If you are considering a career in engineering, and in particular a multi-disciplined fabrication and welding route, then this course is for you.

The curriculum focuses on providing a solid foundation in the key skills and knowledge essential for anyone pursuing a multi-disciplined route in engineering. The SVQ also forms an integral part of the modern apprenticeship framework. This makes the course an ideal choice for those aspiring to work in industries that demand expertise in fabrication and welding.

The SVQ forms part of the Modern Apprenticeship framework, providing the potential to be an attractive prospect for companies when applying for an engineering apprenticeship.

Entry Requirements

National 4 English, Maths and a science or technological subject. Your application will also be considered if you are a current apprentice or have relevant experience but no formal qualifications.

Progression Routes

NC Fabrication and Welding.

Start Date





at SCQF Level 5

Study Method

Full time

Course Length

1 year


Fabrication and Welding

SCQF Level


Career Area


Career Sectors

Aeronautical Engineering

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Engineering General

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (including Fabrication and Welding)

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Offshore and Energy