Geneticists research the inherited traits of humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms. They can use special methods to modify genetic material. They are sometimes called molecular geneticists or clinical scientists.
You could be:
The figures below are only a guide. Actual pay rates may vary, depending on:
The starting salaries for new genetics graduates tend to be around £18,000 to £20,000. Well qualified and experienced geneticists can earn more than £47,000 a year.
Pre-registration trainee clinical scientists working in the NHS start on Band 6, £39,912 to £48,635 a year, and registered clinical scientists are on Band 7, £48,788 to £56,747 a year. Principal clinical scientists are on Band 8a, £60,126 to £64,906 a year and Band 8b, £70,986 to £75,937 a year.
You could also work as a specialist biomedical scientist within the NHS on Band 6, £39,912 to £48,635 a year.
The current pay scales are from April 2024.
Salaries for research posts at universities range from around £25,000 to £40,000 a year.
Workforce Employment Status
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You could do research and clinical work in hospitals or universities. Agricultural, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries employ researchers and technicians as well as geneticists who work in management, marketing, sales and public relations. Government departments employ staff with knowledge of genetics to develop science policies and give advice.
Workforce Education Levels (UK)
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You need to be:
You should have:
The IntoBiology website is a good source of information on what you can do with a career in biology and includes videos, projects and study skills.
Courtesy of NHS Careers
The following organisations may be able to provide further information.
British Society for Genetic Medicine
Tel: 020 3925 3675
Genetics Society
Tel: 020 3925 3672