
Equine Studies

Scotland`s Rural College (SRUC)


Aberdeen Campus, Oatridge Campus


This course will emphasise the practical and theoretical knowledge and skills you'll need for many roles in equine industry.

You'll learn about nutrition, fitness, anatomy and physiology, as well as equine facility and yard management.

A mixture of theoretical and practical study also covers essential business skills, like IT, communication and teamwork.

Upon completion of this course, you could transition into the HND equine course for a further year of study, or choose to move into a variety of roles in the equine sector, such as working in training yards, studs, equipment supply companies, racecourses, livery yards, hospitality and more.

The course offers Riding or Non-Riding options at both campuses.

Content includes: Equine Facility Management; Equine Anatomy and Physiology; Equine Fitness; Care of the Competition Horse; Equine Nutrition.

Entry Requirements

2 Highers including English or a science subject plus English, Maths and a science subject at National 5. If applying for the riding option, you require recorded evidence of riding ability, to include a minimum of walk, trot, canter and jumping, should be submitted with the application. 2 weeks' practical work experience is also required.

NC Horse Care or Horse Care (Advanced Certificate) may be accepted.

BHS Stage 1 or 2 would be an advantage or the Pony Club B test.

Progression Routes

HND Equine Studies

Start Date




Study Method

Part time (day)

Course Length

2 years


Equine and Horse Care

SCQF Level



Career Sectors


Aquaculture and Fishing

Arboriculture and Forestry

Earth Studies

Environmental and Rural Resource Management

Environmental Services

Horticulture and Landscaping

Work with Animals