
Horticulture (2nd year entry)

Glasgow Clyde College


Langside Campus


This HND Horticulture course will provide you with knowledge and understanding, competencies, skills and abilities in horticulture and landscaping required for management level roles.

In addition to plant growth and development, plant recognition and soil management, it covers integrated plant protection and soil and plant nutrition. You will also develop skills in problem solving, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Content includes:
Soils and plant nutrition; Plant protection integrated approaches; Hardy ornamental nursery stock; Horticultural growing media; Landscape management and maintenance; Lawn construction and maintenance; Parks, gardens and public open spaces; Plants for gardens specialised plantings; Show gardens: Design and construction; Retailing of plants; Plants and habitats: Ecology and conservation.

Entry Requirements

Relevant HNC or relevant national qualifications at SCQF Level 7.

Progression Routes

Appropriate degree or progression to jobs in the horticultural industry.

Start Date




Study Method

Full time

Course Length

1 year


Horticulture and Landscape

SCQF Level


Career Sectors


Aquaculture and Fishing

Arboriculture and Forestry

Earth Studies

Environmental and Rural Resource Management

Environmental Services

Horticulture and Landscaping

Work with Animals