Year 1:
You study Psychology and two other subjects and undergo a selection process to continue into Year 2
Year 2:
Classes in Social and Health Psychology, Cognition and Neuropsychology, Abnormal Psychology, Positive and Humanistic Psychology, Theories of Counselling/Psychotherapy and
Introduction to Research Design and Analysis
Year 3:
Research Methods in Psychology, Individual Differences, Social Psychology, Person-Centred Theory, Personal Development and Counselling Skills practical sessions
Year 4:
Honours students undertake a dissertation in psychology; classes cover Development, Cognition and Psychobiology; practical experience in counselling skills and/or counselling research
continues with the opportunity to volunteer in a community setting or work on a counselling research project.
2025 entry requirements
Standard entry:
4 Highers at AAAA (first sitting) or 6 Highers at AAAABB (two sittings) including English and another relevant subject plus Maths or Applications of Maths at National 5 at B.
Widening access entry:
4 Highers at AABB (first sitting) or 5 Highers at AABBB (two sittings) including English and another relevant subject at B plus Maths or Applications of Maths at National 5.
A Foundation Apprenticeship is accepted in place of a non-essential Higher.
BA Hons
Full time
4 years
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Psychological Sciences and Health