A health psychologist uses psychological research methods and therapies to promote wellbeing and help people understand their illness. Their aim is to improve healthcare provision, general levels of health and promote a healthier lifestyle.
You could be:
You might work with groups such as older adults, pregnant teenagers or patients with chronic illnesses.
The figures below are only a guide. Actual pay rates may vary, depending on:
The salaries for NHS Psychologists in Scotland are usually based on the NHS Agenda for Change pay rates. The current pay scales are from April 2024.
Qualified psychologists start on Band 7, £48,788 to £56,747 a year. With experience this rises to Band 8a, £60,126 to £64,906 a year, and Band 8b, £70,986 to £75,937 a year.
Consultant/lead psychologists are on Band 8c, £83,837 to £89,866 a year.
Workforce Employment Status
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Health psychologists work in hospitals, academic research institutes, health authorities and university departments. There has been an increase in jobs in lecturing and in research into social and behavioural factors in health.
Workforce Education Levels (UK)
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You need:
Apart from the usual routes of promotion to senior level there are opportunities to move into training or self-employed consultancy work.
There is a wide range of jobs, although the vacancies do not always use the job title 'health psychologist'. Health psychologists work as applied psychologists, teachers, consultants and researchers for the NHS, the universities, schools, industry and health promotion organisations.
Credit to British Psychological Society
The following organisations may be able to provide further information.
British Psychological Society
Tel: 0116 254 9568
Website (2):
NHS Scotland Careers
Website (2):