Paisley Campus, Lanarkshire Campus
The Bachelor of Accounting offers you, as a student, an opportunity to study towards a specialised degree which brings substantial professional accreditation and exemptions.
The programme covers a full range of accountancy subjects from financial and management accounting to financial management, taxation, auditing and ancillary areas ensuring the student acquires the necessary specialist and generic transferable skills relevant to a career in the field of accountancy.
2025 entry requirements
Standard entry: 4 Highers at ABBB plus National 5 Maths at B and English
Entry to year 2 may be possible with 3 Advanced Highers at BCC plus National 5 English and Maths.
Widening access entry: 4 Highers at BBBB plus National 5 Maths at B and English
Full time
4 years
School of Business and Creative Industries