Piano tuners maintain and repair pianos to keep them in tune. They are sometimes called piano technicians.
You would:
Because piano tuners are generally self-employed, it can take time to build up their business. Most tuners charge between £50 and £100 for each tuning, depending on what needs to be done, and if successful in building up a business, can expect to tune between four and six pianos a day.
Expenses such as equipment and transport need to be paid out of any money made.
On very rare occasions, a piano technician post may arise with a music college or university. The most recently advertised post at a conservatoire offered around £25,000 a year.
Workforce Employment Status
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This is a small profession. Most piano tuners are self-employed or freelance — they either take over an existing business or build up their own through advertising and personal recommendation.
Workforce Education Levels (UK)
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You need:
There are different levels of membership with the PTA (Apprentice, Student, Associate and Member). To be a Member of the PTA you must have:
Courtesy of Karmadillo
The following organisations may be able to provide further information.
Association of Blind Piano Tuners (ABPT)
Pianoforte Tuners' Association (PTA)
Tel: 07752 478082