Advocates' clerks organise the daily workload and administration for a small group of Advocates (known as a 'stable').
Your work will depend on how senior you are.
You could be:
The figures below are only a guide. Actual pay rates may vary, depending on:
Advocates' clerk salaries are not made publicly available, but starting salaries are around £25,000 a year. This will rise with experience to around £33,000 a year or more.
Workforce Employment Status
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Advocates' clerks usually work for Faculty Services Ltd (FSL), a company providing support services to Advocates. There are 9 FSL stables based in Parliament House in Edinburgh. A stable usually has one Advocate's clerk and at least one deputy clerk. There are also advocates that do not subscribe to the FSL clerking services, but may practise with or without a clerk.
Workforce Education Levels (UK)
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LMI data powered by Lightcast
LMI data powered by Lightcast
You need to have:
You also need to be:
Courtesy of Moore Legal Technology
The following organisations may be able to provide further information.
Faculty of Advocates
Tel: 0131 226 5071
Skills for Justice
Tel: 0117 922 1155
Skills for Justice is the Sector Skills Council for the Justice, Community Safety and Legal Services Sectors. The careers section of their website holds information on the careers within these sectors.