
Network Engineer

Credit to Comcast Careers

A network engineer installs and maintains a network of linked computers and other equipment, such as telephones. The network might connect computers within a building or across different buildings.

The Work

You could work on different types of network: local area networks (LANs) which link offices in a building or local area; metropolitan area networks (MANs) which link a large area or joins LANs across a campus or city; wide area networks (WANs) which are national or international; and global area networks (GANs) which combine all of the above with satellite technology.

In all cases, you could be:


The figures below are only a guide. Actual pay rates may vary, depending on:

Starting salaries can be around £25,000 to £28,000 a year. Experienced network engineers or managers can earn up to around £45,000 a year. Very experienced network managers may earn over £60,000 a year.

If you do contract work, the daily rate varies.


Workforce Employment Status

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Useful Subjects

Getting In

There are jobs in a wide range of companies and organisations including banks, building societies, insurance companies, central and local government, water, electricity and gas companies, universities, colleges and the National Health Service (NHS). There are also jobs with companies that supply, install and service networks.

Workforce Education Levels (UK)

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Job Outlook Scotland


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Job Outlook Scotland and UK

2.6 %
  United Kingdom
4 %

LMI data powered by Lightcast

What Does it Take?

You need to be able to:

You need to have:


Getting On

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