
Access to Medical Studies and Allied Health (SWAP)

Glasgow Kelvin College


Springburn Campus


The SWAPWest Access to Medical Studies, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and Science programme provides an entrance qualification to the University of Glasgow to study degrees in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine. In addition the programme provides progression routes to Pharmacy at Strathclyde University, Biomedicine and Oral Health at Glasgow Caledonian University and a wide range of science degrees with the University partners mentioned as well as University of the West of Scotland, Stirling University and SRUC (the Agricultural College).

It is a Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAP) that provides positive destination routes not otherwise achievable without the normal required formal academic certification.

Candidates MUST have obtained experience in their related field of study.

Prior study of Maths, Chemistry and Biology is required due to the intense nature of the study on this SWAP programme. Applicants should detail their experience on their application form; a relevant reference detailing experience will be required prior to interview. Entry on to the programme is decided after interview(s) in partnership with the Scottish Wider Access Programme.

Core subjects include: Biology and Chemistry.

Core skills including: Maths and Communications.

Entry Requirements

You should have been out of education for 5 years. Appropriate work experience is essential and should be clearly explained in your personal statement.

Progression Routes

BDS Dentistry, MBChB Medicine, BVMS Veterinary Medicine all at the University of Glasgow, M.Pharm Pharmacy at the University of Strathclyde, BSc Clinical Physics at the University of the West of Scotland or Biomedicine and Oral Health at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Can also lead to any Degree, HND or HNC courses in Biological, Environmental Health and Life Sciences in Colleges and Universities in the West of Scotland.

Start Date



Access to FE/HE

Study Method

Part time (day)

Course Length

2 years



SCQF Level