
STEM : Useful Links

What is STEM?Why work in STEM?What skills are useful in STEM?How can I get into STEM?Useful Links Case Studies

Useful Links

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Here is a range of links where you can find more information on getting into STEM, resources to spark your imagination and some organisations that offer different levels of apprenticeship.

Careers information and resources

Lantra Scotland STEM Careers - great resource for exploring the range of land-based, aquaculture and environmental conservation STEM careers available.

The Big Bang - explore the Big Bang World to get inspiration on STEM careers.

Neon Futures - information on careers in engineering, including activities and experiences to take part in.

Digital World - an initiative that inspires and supports people to go into digital technology careers.

Maths Careers - information on careers using maths, including different sectors that you could work in, activities and interesting facts and figures.

Hour of Code – online activities for learning how to code.

Royal Society of Biology - information on careers in biology and the different sectors it covers.

Royal Society of Chemistry - information on careers in chemistry including people profiles.

Institute of Physics - information on careers in physics including people profiles.

My Energy Future - find out about the range of careers available in the energy sector.

Women in STEM - information on women working in and getting into STEM.

Cogent - information on careers in the science industries.

GoConstruct - information on careers in construction.

Large organisations that offer apprenticeships

These companies may offer apprenticeships at different levels. Check out their websites for more information.

Rolls Royce

BAE Systems


Morgan Stanley

Civil Service



Resources for schools

STEM Learning - information and resources to support STEM education.

Royal Academy of Engineering - resources to enrich STEM learning in the classroom.

Education Scotland - online resource supporting learning and teaching relating to STEM.

STEM Learning Video Resources - videos to promote careers in STEM.

STEM Crew - activities and lesson plans covering STEM subjects.

Girls who code - information and learning resources relating to coding.

Education Scotland STEM Careers - facts, figures and links to lots of resources to help inspire young people.

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