
Art Portfolio Production

West Lothian College


The course is for ambitious students wishing to produce an extensive and relevant portfolio for application to advanced studies in any art or design discipline within art, design or the creative industries.

The course lays the foundations for degree-level study; developing your research skills and professional studio practices. You will be continuously broadening and deepening your understanding of contemporary practices within art, design and the creative industries.

The course covers exploration, experimentation and creativity within different art disciplines including drawing, painting, two-dimensional practices, video, digital practices, photography, printmaking, visual and contextual research, life drawing, three-dimensional practices, public art, installation, live art and sound art.

It provides a studio environment and opportunities that mirror industry standards.

Entry Requirements

Higher English and Art and Design; or NQ Art and Design (Portfolio Development). Selection is by interview and portfolio.

Progression Routes

Possible progression to other HND/degree art courses within other further education colleges or colleges of art.

Start Date




Study Method

Full time

Course Length

1 year


Art and Design

SCQF Level