Kirkcaldy (St Brycedale) Campus
Would you like to get a better job? Would you like to pass the Citizenship test? Would you like to apply for a course at college?
This course will help you to improve your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in English. Enrolment age for this course is 16 years and over. All students work towards the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) National Qualifications in ESOL, including the external exam.
Subjects may include: Speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English; Business and academic English; SQA and International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam preparation.
The Core Skills of ICT, numeracy and communication will be developed and certificated on this course.
You will be required to sit a placement test which will determine the level at which you will study unless evidence of prior achievement is provided. Interview.
Depending on your level of English, you can apply for:
Career-based courses at Fife College; Degree courses at Fife College or university
Full time
1 year