Arabic has been for many centuries the language of thriving literatures and rich and diverse cultures. Modern Standard Arabic is arguably the strongest link uniting many diverse countries from 'the Ocean to the Gulf'. It is the official language of the 22 members of the Arab League and one of the 6 official languages of the UN.
Arabic has been taught in various forms at St Andrews for several centuries, and the Department has an excellent record of academic scholarship in Islamic studies, Arabic and wider Middle Eastern history, and mediaeval and modern Arabic literatures.
2025 entry requirements
Standard entry:
4 Highers at AAAB plus English and one from Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Geography, Physics or Psychology at National 5 at B. Applications of Maths will be accepted but must be at National 5 at A.
Widening access entry:
4 Highers at AABB plus English and one from Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Geography, Physics or Psychology at National 5 at B. Applications of Maths will be accepted but must be at National 5 at A. (You may gain entry to the Gateway programme with 4 Highers at BBBB).
Grades may vary depending on combinations taken. See combinations below.
(E) Higher English at A required
(F) Higher French at A required
(H) Higher History at A required
(M) Higher Maths at A required
MA Hons
Full time
Please refer to list below
4 years
Faculty of Arts
Arabic/Art History Arabic/Biblical Studies Arabic/Chinese Studies Arabic/Chinese Studies (WIYA) Arabic/Classics Arabic/Comparative Literature Arabic/Economics Arabic/English (E) Arabic/Film Studies Arabic/French (F) Arabic/French (WIYA) (F) Arabic/Geography Arabic/German Arabic/German (+WIYA) Arabic/Hebrew Arabic/International Relations Arabic/Italian Arabic/Italian (WIYA) Arabic/Latin Arabic/Management Arabic/Mathematics (M) Arabic/Medieval History (H) Arabic/Middle East Studies (H) Arabic/Modern History (H) Arabic/Persian Arabic/Philosophy Arabic/Psychology Arabic/Russian Arabic/Russian (WIYA) Arabic/Social Anthropology Arabic/Spanish Arabic/Spanish (WIYA) Arabic/Sustainable Development |
TV63 ABS1 CH01 CW01 Q190 LT16 TQ63 TP63 RT16 RTC6 RTL6 RT26 RTF6 QT46 LT26 RT36 RTH6 QT66 NTF6 GT16 TVP1 T621 TV61 T600 TV65 TBC QRK7 QRL7 LT66 RT46 RTK6 F889 |