
Chemical Engineering

University of Aberdeen


Old Aberdeen Campus


Honours Degrees of MEng and BEng: The MEng is a five-year Honours programme and the BEng is a four-year Honours programme both of which are fully accredited by the Engineering Institutions (see Professional Accreditation section). For the first two years you study a common core covering the basic principles of all branches of engineering. In these two years you will follow courses which will give you choice of at least three of the School's main disciplines to specialise in. In the later years you specialise, following your chosen discipline in greater depth, including design applications.

Year 1: Principles of Electronics; CAD and Communications in Engineering Practice; Fundamentals of Engineering Materials; Engineering Mathematics 1; Fundamental Engineering Mechanics; Chemistry for the Physical Sciences 1.

Year 2: Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics; Process Engineering; Engineering Mathematics 2; Design and Computing in Engineering Practice; Electrical and Mechanical Systems; Chemical Kinetics and Thermodynamics; Organic and Biological Chemistry.

Year 3: Chemical Thermodynamics; Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer; Fluid Mechanics; Chemical Reaction Engineering; Separation Processes 1; Process Modelling; Chemical Engineering Design; Engineering Analysis and Methods 1A; Project and Safety Management.

Year 4: Process Safety; Process Control; Biochemical Engineering; Separation Processes 2; Individual Project (MEng/BEng); Group Design Project (BEng).

Entry Requirements

2025 entry requirements

Standard entry:
4 Highers at BBBB (by end of S5) including Maths, Chemistry and Engineering Science or Physics plus at National 5 English. Those with Highers at BBB by end of S5 are encouraged to apply. 1 Foundation Apprenticeship is accepted in place of a non-essential Higher.
2nd year entry may be possible with 3 Advanced Highers at AAB including Maths at A and Chemistry and Physics at AB or BA.

Widening access entry:
Higher Maths and Chemistry at BB (by end of S5). Additional Highers/Advanced Highers in S6.

Start Date





BEng Hons

Study Method

Full time



Course Length

4 years


Physical Science



SCQF Level

