
Access to Nursing (SWAP)

Ayrshire College


Ayr Campus, Kilmarnock Campus, Kilwinning Campus


This course develops your skills and knowledge in preparation for a nursing degree.

Units studied include: Values and Principles in Care; Social Influences; Human Development and Behaviour; Understanding Mental Health and Mental Illness; Stress and Stress Management; Human Body; Caring for People with Dementia; Medical Terminology; First Aid and Health Promotion; Essential Skills.

Entry Requirements

This course is specifically for people who have been out of full-time education for at least 5 years. It prepares adult returners for entry into Higher Education and can lead to a place at college or university. A place on the course is subject to an interview process and a satisfactory reference.

Progression Routes

Progression on to a wide range of relevant HNC or university nursing degree courses.

Start Date



Access to FE/HE

Study Method

Full time

Course Length

1 year


Health and Social Care

SCQF Level