
Additional Support Needs: Managing and Supporting the Services

Fife College


Kirkcaldy (St Brycedale) Campus


This HND Additional Support Needs - Managing and Supporting the Services is designed to provide you with a specialist qualification if you want to work with children or adults who have additional support needs, with an emphasis on the management of support services.

The HND Additional Support Needs - Managing and Supporting the Services also provides a progression route to BA Learning Difficulties/Disabilities. You will also complete a practical work placement as part of the course (two days per week on the full-time course).

You will study: Programme planning; Working in an additional support needs setting; Communication: business communication; Collaborating with other agencies; Managing quality; Effective leadership and management; Graded unit 2; A number of optional units.

Entry Requirements

Relevant HNC. Interview.

You will require a satisfactory criminal record check from Disclosure Scotland to show that you are suitable for this type of course. Contact Disclosure Scotland for details on the type you would need.

Progression Routes

BA Learning Difficulties/Disabilities or other relevant degree programme.

Start Date




Study Method

Full time

Course Length

1 year


Health and Social Care

SCQF Level



Career Sectors

College or University Lecturing

Education Support

Primary School Teaching

Secondary School Teaching

Teaching - Other