Ancient History at St Andrews is an exciting and wide-ranging subject that covers not just the ancient Greeks and Romans but also some of their neighbours, such as the Persians and Phoenicians. Key specialisms at St Andrews include ancient religion, gender, historiography, economics, warfare, empires,
cities and urban living.
An Ancient History degree will take you on a fascinating journey to the heart of the complex and varied societies of the ancient Mediterranean, which are both deeply familiar and
profoundly strange.
2025 entry requirements
Standard entry:
4 Highers at AAAB plus English and one from Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Geography, Physics or Psychology at National 5 at B. Applications of Maths will be accepted but must be at National 5 at A.
Widening access entry:
4 Highers at AABB plus English and one from Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Geography, Physics or Psychology at National 5 at B. Applications of Maths will be accepted but must be at National 5 at A. (You may gain entry to the Gateway programme with 4 Highers at BBBB).
Grades may vary depending on combinations taken. See combinations below.
(E) Higher English at A required
(F) Higher French at A required
(H) Higher History at A required
(M) Higher Maths at A required
MA Hons
Full time
Please refer to list below
4 - 5 years
Faculty of Arts
Ancient History/Art History Ancient History/Biblical Studies Ancient History/Comparative Literature Ancient History/Economics Ancient History/English (E) Ancient History/Film Studies Ancient History/French (F) Ancient History/French (WIYA) (F) Ancient History/German Ancient History/German (WIYA) Ancient History/Greek Ancient History/International Relations Ancient History/Italian Ancient History/Italian (WIYA) Ancient History/Latin Ancient History/Mathematics (M) Ancient History/Mediaeval History (H) Ancient History/Persian Ancient History/Philosophy Ancient History/Social Anthropology Ancient History/Spanish Ancient History/Spanish (WIYA) |
VVD3 VV16 VQ12 LVD1 LVD2 VP13 RVD1 RV1D RVG1 RVF1 QV71 VL21 RV31 RVHD QV61 GVC1 V1V1 RQ16 VV15 V1L6 VR14 RVL1 |