Year One: Introduction in Education Studies in 21st Century/Developing Academic Literacies for Learning/Introduction to Psychology 1/Learning through the Lifespan (Primary/Sustainable Human Behaviour Learning for Sustainability/Diversity, Identity and Wellbeing (Education).
Year Two: Early Childhood Development and Learning in Context/Language & Literacy: Theory and Pedagogy/Society and Sustainable Lifestyles/Mathematics & Numeracy: Theory and Pedagogy/The Inclusive Curriculum: Theories of Learning & Teaching/Creative and Cultural Curriculum in 21st Century.
Year Three: The Creative Curriculum: Planning for Assessment and Continuity/Languages, Literacy and Children’s Literature/Everyday Life Contexts: A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics/Teacher as Reflective Practitioner/Inclusive Practice: Difference and Diversity.
Year Four: Teaching as Professional: Inter-agency Working/A Global Curriculum: Planning a Pedagogy for Social Justice/Community-based Education/Professional Enquiry into Practice
2025 entry requirements:
4 Highers at ABBB (standard entry) or BBBB (widening access entry) including English plus National 5 Maths or Applications of Maths.
You will require a satisfactory criminal record check from Disclosure Scotland to show that you are suitable for this type of course. Contact Disclosure Scotland for details on the type you would need.
BA Hons
Full time
4 years
School of Arts, Social Sciences and Management