East End Campus
The Skills for Learning Life and Work is a one year, full-time course with SCQF Level 2. The course aim is to give the learners a wide range of skills from units that can enhance practical learning and possible progression.
Students will be learning different creative, STEM, environmental, communication and practical skills for life and work. Learners will engage with units individually and within teams completing various collaborative projects connected to the overall course. Outdoor learning and site visits are an integral part of the learning process.
This can include:
Working with various art materials; Creating a performance, such as a short educational film; Sports and Gym experience; Eco Awareness participation; Comms awareness with Numeracy and ITC; Comms awareness with Numercary and ITC.
Skills for Learning Life and Work (Level 1)
Employability / Citizenship Level 3 or Personal Achievement Award level 2.
Full time
1 year
Supported Learning