
Glasgow Clyde College

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Glasgow Clyde College has three campuses across Glasgow: Anniesland Campus in the west end; Cardonald Campus in the south west; and Langside Campus in the south of the city next to the New Victoria Hospital.

The college also has various community based learning centres in the south and west areas of Glasgow. There are around 7,000 full time and 20,000 part time students.

Courses and subjects

The college has over 500 full and part time courses available, leading to a range of qualifications including NQ, NC, HNC, HND and degree.

Courses are taught under a wide range of departments including: Acting and Performance; Additional Support for Learning; Art and Design; Automotive; British Sign Language; Business and Finance; Computing; Construction; Dance; Early Learning and Childcare; Electrical and Electronics; Engineering Systems; English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL); Event Management; Fabrication and Welding; Fashion and Textiles; Floristry; Gateway Programmes; Graphic Design and Illustration; Green Skills; Hair, Beauty and Complementary Therapies; Health and Safety; Health Care; Horticulture and Landscape; Mechanical Engineering; Media; Music; Musical Instrument Making; Science; Social Care and Counselling; Social Science; Sound Production; Sport and Fitness; Travel and Tourism and TV.  

Glasgow Clyde College, along with Glasgow’s other two colleges, Glasgow Kelvin College and City of Glasgow College, have formed a partnership to deliver Foundation Apprenticeships to students across Greater Glasgow.

Facilities and services

There are lots of amenities available including well equipped campus libraries, a student advisory service, a learning support service, a counselling service, gyms, cafes and childcare facilities at the Cardonald and Anniesland Campuses.

There are also hair and beauty training salons at the Cardonald and Langside Campuses, a theatre at Langside Campus, art and dance studios and a training restaurant at Anniesland Campus.


Glasgow Clyde College’s courses in Fashion and Textiles lead the way in training the Scottish textiles industry employees of the future. The college is the largest provider of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses in Scotland.


Courtesy of Glasgow Clyde College


Career Area


Career Sectors

Law (Professional)

Related courses by level

Degree, DipHE and CertHE

Legal Support Services

Patent Work

Related courses by level

No courses listed.

Related job profiles

Patent Attorney Patent Examiner
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Anniesland Campus

19 Hatfield Drive
G12 0YE

Cardonald Campus

690 Mosspark Drive
G52 3AY

Langside Campus

50 Prospecthill Road
G42 9LB

Off Campus
