
Introduction to Events Hospitality

Dumfries and Galloway College


Dumfries Campus


This course gives you the skills you need to organise and arrange events and provide great customer care when you are serving food and drink.

You will gain real life work experience by serving real food to real customers in the college's Zest restaurant at the Dumfries Campus. You’ll get ‘hands on’ experience of waiting at tables - explaining to customers about the dishes available, taking orders and serving.

You will learn about food and drink products, so you can advise your customers on their choices.

You will study:
Customer Care for Hospitality and Events; Events Industry: An Overview; Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry; Service of Food and Drink; Events Organisation; Contribute to an Event; Events Costing; Events Costing: An Introduction.

Entry Requirements

1 subject at National 5 or 3 at National 4. Interview.

Progression Routes

Students may apply to progress to SCQF level 6 courses in professional cookery, hospitality, business or other subject areas.

Start Date




Study Method

Full time

Course Length

1 year



SCQF Level