
Law (Online)

Robert Gordon University


Year 1
Year 1 provides a fundamental understanding of the purposes and sources of Law and the main elements of Public and Private Law in Scotland. You will study eight modules if studying full-time and four modules if studying accelerated part time or part time.

Year 2
This year develops concepts introduced in Year 1 and provides specialised knowledge of other more complex modules. You will study eight modules if studying full-time, six modules if accelerated part-time and four modules if part time. Full time students will complete the course in Year 2.

Year 3
If you are on the accelerated part-time and part-time routes you will continue to study particular modules within the 16 mandatory modules contained within the course. Accelerated part-time students will study six modules this year and if on the part-time route you will study four modules. Accelerated part-time students will complete the course in Year 3.

Year 4
If you are a part-time student in your final year you will complete the last four of the 16 mandatory modules to finish the course.

Entry Requirements

You should have a a 2.2 Honours degree in a relevant discipline such as law, business, management, history, modern studies, journalism or other similar subject.

Applications will be considered from candidates who do meet entry requirements on an individual basis.

Start Date





LLB Hons

Study Method

Distance and Flexible learning

Course Length

2-4 years


The Law School

SCQF Level



Career Area


Career Sectors

Law (Professional)

Related courses by level

Degree, DipHE and CertHE

Legal Support Services

Patent Work

Related courses by level

No courses listed.

Related job profiles

Patent Attorney Patent Examiner