Main campus, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
This course gives you the opportunity to focus on the scientific aspects of archaeology while combining your studies with sustainability issues, techniques in field-based evidence, and ethics.
Year 1 - CertHE
Principles of biology; Archaeological theory and method; Historical landscapes; Collecting and analysing data; Ecological principles: biodiversity and ID skills (including a one day residential); Plus 1 option in semester 1.
Year 2 - DipHE
Scottish archaeology; Earth and soil processes; Digital heritage; Introduction to geographical information systems; Plus 1 option in both semester 1 and semester 2.
Year 3 - BSc
Archaeological sciences; Archaeology and interpretation; Strategic environmental monitoring; Archaeology or research skills project; Plus 2 options in semester 1.
Year 4 - BSc (Hons)
Sustainability past and present; Engaging with external agencies, including a work placement; Plus 2 options in semester 2; Dissertation (double unit).
3 Highers
Postgraduate study
BSc Hons
Full time
4 years
Science and Environment